"Do you take photographs like ..."

... let me stop you there. I don't take photographs "like" anyone, at least, that isn't the aim. I set out to take a photograph how I see it; how I think it would look best and how I think the client wants it to be (mainly because I ask them... a lot).

Credit and copyright Rob King


I'm inspired by many photographers and watch their videos, read their blogs and try to learn from their techniques... but I don't want to take photos like them because, well, they're already doing that.

My inspirations .... 

Dave Black (Nikon Ambassador) is my guy for sports and action; a wizard of light.

Credit and copyright Dave Black

Credit and copyright Dave Black

Adrian Samson (who took some photos of my dog a while back) inspires my commercial work.

Credit and copyright Adrian Samson

And Peter Hurley (male model, olympian and just generally make you sick kind of guy) takes the headshots I like. 

Credit and copyright Peter Hurley

Credit and copyright Peter Hurley